Jalapeño Poppers

Ignite excitement with dynamic Sizzle Reels in your presentation!

Get your audience excited and engaged. Sizzle reels are a great way to kick things off with high energy and capture your audience’s attention before you center stage. With CustomShow, you can stage a sizzle video on your slide exactly how you want.



  • Add a Line from Shape
  • Drag and drop the Image and sizzle Video
  • Go to slide properties and set Background color (Try – #BCBEBD)


  • Select the Image
  • Resize either using the Position properties or by clicking and dragging the edges
  • Crop the Image, if required


  • Select the Line
  • In Stroke, select Type, set Color (Try – #DA332A), set Weight (Try – 3)
  • Right-click on the line, and click Duplicate Element to get another line with the same format


  • Select the Video
  • Resize either from the Position properties or by clicking and dragging the edges
  • Set Show Video Controls to Never
  • Enable Start on Click and Display Play Button
  • (optional) Click on the scissor icon on the top-right corner of the video to trim or add cuts to the video

Congratulations! You are all done!


1 Image

2 Shapes

1 Video

Design Tips & Tricks 🔥

  • You can use the slide to act as a canvas or theme for your video. Elements can also be placed along the border of the video to make a bespoke-looking video player.
  • Create contrast between the sizzle video and other elements on the slide to make it pop and be the center of attention.

Explore More Slides 🛝


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