Alternative To SlideRocket Or Clearslide

Now that SlideRocket has officially merged with ClearSlide, we are seeing many conversations on the social media airwaves surrounding the problems that businesses are having with this change.  People used SlideRocket for a variety of reasons, and now that SlideRocket has officially shut down (as of December 31st), many are left searching for SlideRocket alternatives.

A key life skill is learning to choose the appropriate tool for a job. Less comprehensive tools are needed for some situations, whereas more precise and customized tools are required for advanced specializations.  Similarly, different individuals and teams require different tools—whether working with a team of two or two-thousand. At CustomShow, we recognize that there are many different types of presentations– and that not all needs are met by every presentation service.  For those who are looking for  high-level collaboration and design features in online presentation software, there aren’t many options out there.  That is why we created CustomShow.


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