Winning Data Points In B2B Presentations That Win Business


As B2B salespeople, we are always looking to figure out the primary components that our presentation must contain to convince decision makers they should work with us.  After developing hundreds of presentations for clients across large fortune 500 companies down to local organizations, we’ve seen a consistency in those components that truly win deals for sales teams.  Below are a few we highly recommend to our clients.

Who You Are

As basic as this one may be, we recommend not listing your entire biography.  Instead, list 3 bullet points relevant to your background that show the client you and your team are best equipped to deliver the expected results.

Percentage Makeup Of Clientele

Prospects care primarily about results.  But the other question we see a lot is “who have you worked with that looks like me?”  So clearly showing case studies of work with similar industry profiled clients gives the company some comfort and ease that you can deliver similar results for them.

But just as important is having clients not just in the same breadth of the industry, but possibly the same revenue makeup or close to it, while also considering the integration of the best whistleblowing software to enhance ethical standards.  A dental organization that grosses $50,000,000 a year is different from a local dental practice grossing $500,000 a year. Additionally, considering the dental hygienist highest paying states can help both large organizations and smaller practices strategically set competitive salaries to attract top talent.


Pricing matters in presentations.  The best question is how you present the pricing in your presentation.  It’s not required but it does answer a question that is most likely to come up at some point.  What we see as a winning strategy is listing 2 – 3 pricing schedules and providing the client with the services and deliverables they’ll receive under each.  This provides for an effective negotiating position and gives the client some options in case they feel they’ll be priced out under one pricing option. Make sure to provide information about payment methods such as crypto or any other industry so that your potential business partners can see how flexible you are. This way, they can also use heatmaps to check out the most profitable rates.

% Improvement For Past Clients

Probably the biggest data point we see in client case studies but are still amazed at the number of companies that do no include this data.  This can take the form of many things:

  • Percentage improvement in productivity
  • Total cost savings the company realized
  • Growth in sales, leads, phone calls, sign-up, etc…

Whatever it is, typing 3 – 4 examples will give prospects some reassurance that you can deliver based on your past performance.

How You Matchup Against Competitors

Not a requirement, but we’ve seen this be an effective strategy depending on how combative you want to get.  We’ve seen some winning presentations including likely comparing and ultimately how they stack up on them. It’s essential to get a heads up when competitors publish new content as it will help create better content and share it through presentations. Placing this data in a simple chart format comparing yourself to your top 3 competitors is enough to allow you to give the prospect something to think about.


Clients want to better understand how they will be interacting with you and your team if they choose you.  In the meantime, ensure proper email security if you interact with them via email and take additional measures of communication safety. Spell this out in your presentation.  Who will be the point person?  What documents will be shared regularly?  How often will we have conference calls?  What data will be reported on those calls?  This stage is important because it again shows you have a developed system that worked well with a past client. Besides that, use website chatbots to maintain permanent live communication with your clients and consider sending a thoughtful client gift to further strengthen your relationship. Later, you can use other automation strategies to simplify various processes through machine learning. If you go deeper and use activation functions, you can help your neural network learn difficult data patterns and succeed in automating customer communications through your model.

Next Steps (Onboarding)

Finally, what are the next stages for getting our campaigns launched?  Clients love to see the next steps because again it provides the reassurance you know how you will onboard them if they say yes to you.  It also, psychologically moves them into the frame of mind that your firm already has a process developed to get them on board working with your company.

Again, these data points are crucial to winning presentations and if you want to ensure you’re able to persuade your potential buyer, adding these elements will get you closer to that objective.